Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History of Slavery in the Americas - 732 Words

Europeans expansion of their empires lacked one major resource, strong, hardworking people. Most times the native people had proved to be an unreliable source of work. Most of the natives were dying from diseases, and Europeans were unfit to the climate and suffered from tropical diseases. Africans were excellent workers. They had experience of agriculture and keeping cattle. They were used to a tropical climate and hot climates. They were also failure with tropical diseases, and they could work very hard on plantations and in mines. In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as an inexpensive, harder labored source, much better than indentured servants (who were mostly poor Europeans). In 1619, a Dutch ship brought 20 African Americans to the British colonies of Jamestown, Virginia, Charleston, and mostly any other big cities on the cost. Slavery spread throughout the American colonies pretty fast. It is impossible to give an exact number, but some historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the Americas during the 18th century alone. They took some of Africa’s healthiest and most capable men and women. The first stage of the Triangular Trade involved taking manufactured goods from Europe and to Africa. They sent goods like cloth, tobacco, beads, metal goods, and guns. The guns were used to help expand European empires and capture more slaves. They were helpful until the Africans got hold of it, thenShow MoreRelatedEssay about History of Slavery in America1731 Words   |  7 Pages Just because we don’t hear it every day doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I decided to do Slave Rights to remind people that there is still slavery in the world today. If people are educated about the past then they may not make the same mistakes in the future. It has been postulated that ancient civilizations would not have developed had it not been for slavery. 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